So I drank the water...

Today is my 25th post!  Twenty-five days of looking for the Sweet Fringe Benefits of my age and stage of life.  It's not that I'm shocked that I've posted 25's that I'm surprised I started the blog at all! As I discussed in one of the first sfb posts, one of the nasty, ugly, negative side effects of my age is that, at times, "my give a da$n is busted."  It's been a hurdle to overcome.  Whether it's about healthy eating, cleaning my house, finishing a project, cooking dinner, putting laundry away, or just plain getting out of my comfort zone and starting something new, that attitude makes your life pretty miserable and unproductive.  So going public with it did exactly what I was hoping.  This blog has given me a reason to finish a project, look for the sweeter side of life, get dressed for the day, and evaluate where I am. Many daily tasks have prompted blog posts of memories of my younger years...some that I'm proud of and some not so much.  So the honesty will continue, as well as the simple, unsophisticated and unofficial fashion advice.

I read this quote the other day.

"One day, someone showed me a glass of water that was half full.  And he said, "Is it half full or half empty?"  So I drank the water.  NO MORE PROBLEM." --Alexander Jodorowsky

That's how I'm looking at this blog and my stage of life.  I'm taking it for what it is.  Sometimes the glass is half full, and sometimes half empty.  But I'm drinking the water no matter how I look at it. IT IS WHAT IT IS.  Can't change 49.  Can't change children leaving the nest.  Can't change the aging process.  But I can live.  And soak up every ounce of life that I have.  That can work no matter what age or stage you are in.  And that is today's Sweet Fringe Benefit.  Acceptance, but not complacency.  

I know that I have readers from many stages of life.  I hope that you have begun to see your own Sweet Fringe Benefits.  I'd love to read some of the sfb's that you've seen in your life.  Remember, it can be as simple as a cat nap, a memory, a hug from a little one, a text from an out of town son.  Leave a comment below, because we can all learn from each other.

Yes, I'm wearing a scarf.  It's a lightweight cotton scarf that a good friend gave to me for Christmas in April last year.  No worries...actually makes me feel better that other people forget, get distracted, change their minds, etc.  That's what friends do. Accept each other for who they are.  Ok, back to the outfit. Simple...JCrew kelly green cardigan, Loft cobalt blue t-shirt, Joe Fresh black polka dot jeans, neon yellow skinny belt, and a lovely scarf.  Getting dressed every day doesn't need to be a fashion statement out of the latest catalog.  Just clean, fresh clothing that improves your appearance both inside and out.

Remember....leave a quick comment with your personal sfb of your stage of life.



  1. Not being able to have children of my own to raise used to be such a "high drama trauma" for me when I was younger. Now that I am much older (!), I've let all that go, and focus on having great fun getting to know the kiddos from toddlers to teens that I know. Whether they are my neighbors or my friends at church, they teach me to laugh, be curious about the world around me, and so much more! I would have missed all these wonderful experiences if I had continued to make such a big deal in my mind about not having children of my own!

    1. Lynette MM that is such a great sfb! Letting go of our negativity of things we just can't control is one of the best Sweet Fringe Benefits of aging! Thank you!

  2. Knowing that our family is finally complete is a great sfb in my life. It was a long and hard journey and even though I'm sad that I will never hold a newborn of my own again, it's nice to not have to endure pregnancy and the scary things that come with that.

    1. Pregnancy was such an emotional roller coaster for me. Not to have to go through that again is a great sfb...even if knowing that the next newborn you hold will not be your own. Thanks for that sfb Elisha!

  3. Realizing that the day in day out of taking care of little kids is over for me,but it is replaced by joy as they make good decisions and choices in their lives. It isn't the daily hugs, but it is sweet and is a sfb of my age. Love your blog!


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