Those poor people in the corn maze...

Anyone who has been reading this blog regularly has probably been waiting for this post....
There it is.  It's 3:04 PM, and I haven't gotten dressed yet.  But really, I have an excuse.  Sort of.

Mr. Tim always keeps us laughing
Today was a travel day back from spending the weekend with friends.  We went to the North Georgia mountains.  It was a fun, relaxing getaway.  Such a treat to meet up with old neighbors, that you just pick right up where you left off the last time you saw them.  Can you see why it's so easy with them?I mean really, no matter how many gray hairs, wrinkles, extra pounds I have...I still look a little better than that right?  Ha!  No, but seriously, keeping out of town friends is not something that just happens. It takes effort on both sides.  We moved from Georgia 10 years ago.  But our friendship is a strong as ever.  Why?  Well first of all, because we just have a good time together.  There is history between us. But sometimes that's not enough.  It takes sacrifice, consideration, thoughtfulness, love, lighthearted forgiveness and desire to continue a long distance friendship.  Let me explain what I mean by lighthearted forgiveness.  There are times when I've gone to town and have only managed a quick hello to these folks.  They haven't held it against me.  They weren't able to attend our son's was a really busy time of year for them.  And I haven't held that against them.  I think one year her birthday present was 4 months late.  Last year, she gave me my birthday and Christmas presents together in January (my birthday is in July!).  It's all good.

Knowing what it takes to have long-distance, long-time friendships is a Sweet Fringe Benefit of my age.  And even bigger, having many friendships that have stood the test of time and distance has greatly enriched my life. Truly sweet.

The only thing I'm going to mention about my outfit above are the Zella Capri's by Nordstrom.  They are a dark heather gray.  I really only wear them for workouts, but as you see, they work well for a road trip...especially the back end when you return to laundry, grocery shopping, bathing the dog and car cleanup.  The zella capris are a heavier weight, and feel like actual pants rather than tights.  They are a little extra money, but during Nordstrom's annual Anniversary Sale they are a great price.  I highly recommend them.

Need to go bathe the dog...



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