Hungry, irrational and emotional...

I bit my husband's head off today.  Well...verbally, that is.  And he laughed at me!

Kind of funny, neither of us can remember what prompted my harsh response.  But what I do know, is I was hungry, and a little stressed.  I love that commercial for Snickers where Robin Williams is a crazy football coach, and after eating a Snickers bar, he turns back in to the regular coach.  Yup, that's pretty much me.  I'm not myself when I'm hungry.

Sometimes the "nasties" of my age make me irrational and emotional.  But today, I found my Sweet Fringe Benefit in such an irrational, emotional moment.  I love that my husband laughed at my outburst today.  I said something I have never said before...and I think I shocked him.  Better that response than offending him.  We have pretty much grown up together, being a couple since we were 16.  I love the history that we have with each other.  But I also love that we can allow each other that "unexpected response" every now and then.  I hope I would be so forgiving and jovial if the situation were reversed. 

Outfit of the Day:  Joe Fresh black cardigan, LOFT blue/black polka dot ponte knit t-shirt, Joe Fresh black/white houndstooth cords, JCrew Factory statement necklace...and my Danskos.  Went for comfort today.  I like the blue and black combination that I've seen a lot this year. 

I just realized this is my 100th blog post!!!!!  I should've done a giveaway or something.  I'm going to need to find something to give away....



  1. YES! You totally need a giveaway - and I think it should be part of your closet to ME!!!!


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