Running out of time...

I have spent a lot of time in the past 17 years fretting over not working outside of the home.  Most women I know that work full-time outside the home think I'm crazy.  Usually their response to me is, "If you don't HAVE to work, DON'T!"   I guess it depends on what your definition of "having to work" is...I mean, I could say I "have" to work to feel productive, focused, valued, or fulfilled.  I could say I "have" to work to take better vacations and buy new furniture.  I could say I "have" to work to build up our retirement savings.  But I need to cut myself some slack.  I'm working on that.  Today was a great day, and if I had a job outside the home, I wouldn't have been able to do any of it.

I was able to say "yes" to the young sister missionaries that called and asked me for a ride to and from their meeting today.  I was able to say "yes" to a sick friend who needed her daughter picked up from preschool and brought home to her.  I was able to say "yes" to my daughter when she asked to bring her seven very loud and giggling cheerleader friends home after school.  Did I feel productive, focused, valued and fulfilled?  Yes.

Today's Sweet Fringe Benefit is getting closer to being comfortable in my own skin as a full-time mom.  Gosh...I better hurry, I'm running out of time.  My daughter will only be home 3 more years.  I hope I figure it out before then!  I don't want this to be a finger-wagging post towards working moms.  I'm just trying to be "good" with what I am.  And for me, I do have a lot to give and contribute, but that doesn't need to be professionally.   

Another sfb of today is feeling a little closer to my missionary son in Brazil as I drove and fed the cute sister missionaries.  I know there are kind folks that feed him and help him there.  There are two mother's tonight that are wondering about their daughter's here in Nashville.  I will never meet them, but I feel like I know them.  If you ever see missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (The Mormons), be kind.  They are just young kids that have sacrificed 2 years of their lives to share a message of hope and peace to a troubled world.  Even listening to them for 15 minutes will bless your life.

Outfit of the Day:  LOFT yellow tunic/blouse (last year), Denizen Jeans by Levi's (Target), Vince Camuto Caramel boots, JCrew statement necklace, Gold-link bracelets (Thanks Leslie!).

I'm working to be more comfortable with the wonderful life that I have....I have been greatly blessed...



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