Breakfast for dinner...

I'm a pretty good cook...but I don't think it takes talent to be a good cook.  I think it just takes effort and planning.  And I've decided...that I'm tired of being a good cook. 

Tonight I served a rotisserie chicken and bagged salad from Costco.  Yuck.  Extremely marginal.

What is it about dinner lately that just has me paralyzed to even shop for it?  Is it a nasty of my age?  Or is it burnout from 27 years of marriage and being the primary CEO...Chef Executive Officer.  Really, I'm not sure if there is a Sweet Fringe Benefit to this one today, other than my daughter and my husband will forgive me.  Hey...maybe the sfb is that they'll get sick of eating breakfast for dinner and actually start to cook themselves?

Outfit of the Day:  I didn't cook, but I had a pretty great outfit!  (nod, nod, wink, wink)  Loft cream lace-print jeans, JCrew Factory navy shell, Camoflauge skinny belt, Ann Taylor orange/cream striped jacket (last summer's clearance).  I know, my husband would've rather a home cooked meal, instead he got a fashionista. 
Remember, my "Outfit of the Day" is prompted by my emotional need to be dressed and ready for the day.  No workout gear after my workout, no yoga pants without helps my psyche and I have more self-respect when I follow this rule.  It's not to brag or boast of my clothing.  Once's all about me...

 I think the rest of the week I'm going to have smoothies, cheerios with fresh strawberries and bananas (idea from a friend), and scrambled eggs for dinner.  Please...if you have a suggestion how to get out of this chasm of foodie despair, post a comment below!



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