Here we go...
Here we go...I'm 50!!!!!!
As I said yesterday, I've already enjoyed a little pregaming. Tonight we enjoyed a little celebration just my husband, daughter and I...really just to be official. I think my husband needed to buy me cupcakes just so he could check it off his list...and so my daughter could sing me happy birthday. She will not be with me on my actual birthday tomorrow. She needed a cupcake too.
I sort of feel like it's time to rip the band-aid off. I'm tired of worrying what it's going to be like. Tired of planning. Tired of stressing. It's time to celebrate!
My official birthday party will be in three weeks. I have soooo loved the cards I've received so far. Some serious and genuine, some funny...and genuine.
My mother-in-law knows me so well...her card read:
"There's only ONE WAY to fight the signs of aging...and that's to RETAIL-IATE! Time to shop!" And so I did.
Another card said "Welcome to the Wonder Years!...As in, I wonder where I put my glasses? I wonder where I parked my car? I wonder why it's so hot in here? I wonder why it's so cold in here?" (OMG isn't that the truth) Loved it.
I also received some lovely handwritten messages that just warm my heart to know I have such lovely friends. And I got another present! An old (but younger) friend sent me a cute scarf, earrings and a handmade scrapbook for me to document this momentous birthday. So thoughtful.
Really, anyone who even takes the time to post a birthday message on facebook I consider thoughtful. It doesn't take much to impress me these days. I'm just so grateful to so many that have supported my blogging psychosis. I know it's been tremendous therapy for me the last 10 months, I hope it has helped a few of you.
The future of my blog? I'm uncertain. Finding a Sweet Fringe Benefit has become a part of my being. I'm not cured of "turning 50"... I'm just 50. And that's today's Sweet Fringe Benefit!
Ugh...I totally forgot to take a selfie again!
Happy Birthday to me! Oh, and I'd love a comment on what your biggest Sweet Fringe Benefit of being your age is...whatever it is...consider it my birthday present would you?
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What is the best Sweet Fringe Benefit of your age?