Reality check...

Reality check. 

Tonight it doesn't really matter how old I am. 

I had a service opportunity today that helped put my life, my age, my "complaints" in to perspective. 

Today's Sweet Fringe Benefit is a healthy family.  The healthy strong bodies that we all enjoy are such blessings.  And with those blessings, come expectations...from ourselves, from others, and from our God.  And I am willing and able to meet those expectations. 

"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required..."  Luke 12:48

I need this reminder.  We all need this reminder.  I would like to think that no matter how old I am, a visit to a hospital pediatric intensive care unit would always bring me back to my most important basic blessings in my life. 

Forgot to take a picture of my outfit of the day.'s just doesn't seem that important today...



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