It's not what you think...

I have to share one of my favorite things that I've discovered...

I was driving around this afternoon running errands and I was so thirsty!!! Probably a bit dehydrated from my ride this morning.  But it's not what you think. 

I have mentioned on this blog before that I have cut back my diet coke consumption to one per week.  And I've already had one this week.  I've discovered over the past 6 months that what I miss more than the diet coke drink itself, is the ritual surrounding it.  I miss the sonic drive-thru.  I miss the straws.  I miss the pop of a can in the morning after a good workout.  I miss the cool drink in the midst of a crazy afternoon.  Wow.  I really should not be focusing on this...kind of like focusing on a "nasty" of being 49.  There are two sides to every issue.  So I found another way to look at it...and it's today's Sweet Fringe Benefit.

I remember when Diet Coke came out.  I was in college, and I saw a can at the mall.  I tried it.  It was so much better than Tab!  For many years, Diet Coke was just a drink I ordered out at a restaurant.  And then somewhere along the way, it turned in to a constant 12-pack in the fridge and a stop at McDonald's drive-thru or Sonic or whatever the most convenient fountain was.  I have "cut back" before...but never successfully.  Last December, I decided enough was enough.  There were too many days that I didn't drink any water.  Just diet coke.  And here I am six months later.  I wish that I could say I noticed a difference in my health not drinking it...not drinking any diet soda (other than the one diet coke a week).  I haven't.  But I am drinking a lot more water.  A Rt. 44 (44 oz drink from Sonic) ICE WATER is only 50 cents.  I find it more satisfying and refreshing than my old friend.  It brought back my old ritual of an afternoon refreshment at a drive-thru.  And that's my Sweet Fringe Benefit today.  Getting older can mean being "set in your ways".  But this experience has proven I can change patterns, rituals.  Or at least tweak them.  

I don't want to come across preachy.  Again, sfb's are personal.  You can find yours if you look, think and persist.

Outfit of the Day:  I bought a new hat at Target.  My husband didn't seem to like it much, but I did.  My hair is so difficult in the summer.  I have very wavy hair...that I really can't wash everyday or it gets dried out (a.k.a. a nasty of being 49).  And in the summer humidity and heat, a "blowout" only lasts one day.  I thought the hat would be a good alternative to the "messy bun" on top of my head that has been my hair style of late.  The black/white print blouse is from Old Navy last fall.  White jean shorts, also from Old Navy about 5 years ago.  Emaack Designs Coral necklace and bracelets.

I've refilled my sonic cup twice tonight...with water...



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