The Perfect Storm...

My daughter called me a "Negative Nellie" today.  A meanie.  A hag.  A crab.  Should I keep going?  You get the picture.

She's right.  I've been struggling all day.

She wasn't being disrespectful.  She was just agreeing with me during a phone conversation I was having...and then...well...she elaborated a bit more.  We got a good chuckle out of it.  I think I can explain my attitude and probably too much detail...but you can jump to the highlighted sfb if you'd like.  The past few days have created "The Perfect Storm" conditions for all of my titles today.

A few of you have asked about my metric century ride last weekend.  It was called The Big Hill Challenge.  It took me a little over 4 hours to ride 62 miles.  It was invigorating.  Although I rode alone most of the time, I loved the camaraderie I felt with the other riders in the event.  But I'd like to pass along a message to the man who passed me multiple times (so that means I passed him a couple times as well) that wore the blue bike shorts...I think you need a bigger size.  I had a bit more of a view than I would have liked.  Ew.  Alas, still a great time and I'm glad I did it.  Although, my legs are still feeling the 3000 foot elevation gain.

Sunday, being Father's Day, I hit the ground running early.  A long walk with the Father of my children (my husband), made a big breakfast for him, made three Fresh Raspberry Pies, set up and restocked the Father's Day Pie Buffet at church, and pretty much collapsed on the couch at 5:00 for the rest of the night.

Monday, I went for a run in the early morning heat and humidity.  Had a job interview.  Took my daughter to the pool for a couple of hours.  Ran several "cheer mom" errands (did I tell you I'm the Treasurer for the Competition team?)  Cooked fish tacos for my husband...that had been planned as the Father's Day dinner that I was too tired to cook.  Sat outside on the porch with my husband...because he LOVES the summertime heat and being outside.  I think this is where my crabbiness really started to be apparent.  I was hot.  My legs were still tired.  And as my husband and I discussed my job opportunity, my head hurt as well.  I know my male followers don't like the talk about hot flashes.  Too bad.  Maybe it'll enlighten you.  When it's hot outside, I have more tendency to have a hot flash...nice, right?  Stress also adds to the propensity to flash.  So a discussion, about a job, outside in the heat?  Not good. 

Top of Pulltight Hill on my ride this morning

Today I decided a 40 mile ride was about right...having given my bike a rest for 2 days. was HOT early.  The sun was bright.  And my legs...oh, my legs.  And the heat.  And my legs. 

I need to remember to keep it light.  I'm glad my daughter called me a crab.  I'm glad I could laugh a little.  I really need to get a grip on this summertime weather.  93 degrees the middle of June is a bit extreme even here in Nashville.  And an episode of The Pioneer Woman making hot chocolate and cherry almond crisp probably didn't help.  My daughter might not be as accepting of me if this continues all summer long.

One of the nasties of my age is experience.  Huh?  Yes, experience.  Every summer I swear I'm moving further north.  Every summer I scan my weather app for places that are cooler than Tennessee.  But every summer, there are days when the humidty dries up, and I spend a beautiful evening on my porch thinking just how lucky I am to live where I do.  It's all about attitude.  My "Negative Nellie" was definitely driven by the heat...and also my tired legs, and my big decision about a job.  Today's Sweet Fringe Benefit is a tolerant daughter.  But I better get a grip...because her tolerance has an expiration date.   I'm realizing that I can handle an awful lot...but throw in heat, and I have my limits.  Going to need to make some adjustment this summer in order to keep the peace at home.

Outfit of the Day:  Loft blue paisley print maxi dress, Loft jade green cardigan, Emaack Designs lapis earrings.  Two years ago I decided I didn't like maxi's.  I just felt they were done.  Then last year I bought one.  Loved it.  This year, I bought two dresses and a skirt.  And I love them.  They're light and comfortable.  I'm glad no one listened to my fashion advice 2 years ago when I said I didn't like them.

By the husband had a fleece pullover on all day long...we couldn't be more opposite...



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