How's your Mom and Dad...

I've had a wonderful day catching up with old friends.  The conversations ran through the family order: "How are the kids, how's your husband, when's your grandbaby due?" Discussions of holiday plans, siblings, and football.  Talk of fashion, decorating and workouts.  There was one topic of discussion that has consumed me and I can't stop thinking about it: my parents, my friends' parents, and their health, independence and mental state.  I have many friends that have lost one of their parents in the last couple years.  Some are the primary caregiver, some are the executors, some are fortunate to still just be children of elderly parents.  I suppose I fall in the latter category, which I am grateful.  But no one is getting or my parents.  So this is where the conversation always ends up:  "How are your parents?"  And today was no exception.  Demetia, pneumonia, assisted living, losing a license, mobiity, Alzheimer's...I've heard all these terms today. Whether I've met my friend's parents or not, they become the topic of conversation.  This is part of my current "stage of life".  I wouldn't call it a "nasty", because I'm just grateful my parents are alive and as healthy and independent as they are at 89.  But, its a challenge, and it's an uncomfortable direction that this stage of life is taking me.

Do you remember having your first baby and trying to figure out breast feeding?  Or wondering which formula is best?  Or being awakened by a screaming 5 month old every night for two weeks because he had stood up in the crib in the middle of the night and didn't know how to get down, and lamenting your lack of sleep to a friend?  Talking about it gets you through.  Talking is therapy, its informative, it points you in a different direction than you had thought of on your own.  

I wouldn't know how to be an introvert.  That's pretty obvious since I post to the World Wide Web about my daily battles and successes.  So if you are shy or having a tendency to "hold it all in", you are NOT going to relate to today's SFB.  Just as I did with my "cry for help" when I was sleep deprived and needed ideas on how to train a child to sleep, I am doing the same learning about aging parents, the challenges of honoring them as a parent and yet being a responsible care giver.  My Sweet Fringe Benefit today is the wide scope of conversation material that always brings compassion and honesty from my friends. I don't think there is an issue in life that I wouldn't have a girlfriend to talk to that has been through something similar.  You don't have to be my age to have that....but I think it's an art you need to cultivate.  Honesty and realness...being willing to acknowledge your room for improvement, and real willingness to hear and listen.  I'm not perfect at it.  But I've been so greatly blessed by relationships in my life, that I'm willing to be vulnerable in order to NEED what others have to say.

Outfit of the Day:  CAbi boiled wool jacket, Loft blush blouse, Joe Fresh black polka dot jeans, Emaack Designs Multi-Strand Statement Necklace, Snakeskin pumps.  The picture isn't reflecting the right color of the jacket and blouse.  They're both a soft blush color.  I remember my mom wearing these blouses with the tie at the neck in the 70's.  I love the soft silky feel of the blouse...but its it can be washed.  Remember when polyester was a yuck?  Not anymore.  I actually stay away from silk because of the upkeep.  

Had a blast helping friends select some beautiful jewelry at the Trunk Show. Contact my sister through her website at and give her a chance to design something special for you.  You can give her an idea of colors, length and size of stone, and she will create a one-of-a-kind piece for you. She is so very talented! Or just select something off her website!  

Need to go start packing up the jewelry...



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