This is where I draw the line...

I love to shop. Anyone who has read my blog has figured that out. I enjoy browsing, poking, and buying. There are two things I get up early for (willingly)....a long ride or run, and a great sale.  I'm not sure where I got that Mom doesn't like to shop. The only shopping we did growing up was for fabric. She taught me and my sisters how to sew at young ages. Two of us caught hold of the hobby for many many years. mother was brilliant. My sister and I would sew all weekend long to have a new outfit for the next week. We kept out of trouble; our mom knew exactly where we were...sitting at the kitchen table sewing. That's where my love of clothes began.

We are heading in to the crazy shopping days of Christmas. For the past several years, I've spent Thanksgiving at my parents farm in a rural community. But "Black Friday" is spent on the mountain trudging through snow looking for a Christmas Tree with my sister Susan, instead of shopping. And I love that "Black Friday" activity as much as shopping a good sale.  My sister Susan isn't a shopper. Even if she was close to stores on Black Friday, she wouldn't go. My other sister spends Black Friday in a store...a major mall department store that she manages. She has worked in retail for over 30 years. The holidays are not a holiday for her. Nonetheless, she manages to spend 24 hours at my parents farm for Thanksgiving...until this year.

"The Farm"
My sister's store opens at 8:00 pm Thanksgiving  night.  Thanksgiving is a time for family...card games, dishes, backyard football and couch potato football. You may think it's harmless shopping at 8 pm on Thanksgiving Night...but the employees need to get there at 6 pm, which means traveling to family on Thanksgiving is nearly impossible. As a confessed shopaholic, I am pledging not to shop on Thanksgiving..or Christmas. Beause you know that holiday will be next. We are not mice on an exercise wheel...we can stop. Please, join me. We will find plenty to buy and great sales on Friday.

Today my Sweet Fringe Benefit will be for my sister.  I am not with her this year, I am with my husband's family.  But instead of going "shooting" with the family at the Farm, my sister will be driving to work.  Instead of helping with the Thanksgiving dishes, she will be driving to work.  Instead of giving out her hand-made jewelry to nieces, sisters and sisters-in-laws, she will be driving to work.  Instead of cheering on the men of the family in the Annual White Family Log Toss, she will be driving to work.  My sister will attend a half a day at the farm, at my urging.  A half a day with family, is better than no-day with family.  And thus, that is my SFB for her.  If the stores are crowded enough Thanksgiving Night this year, then next year they will probably open even earlier, making a half a day at the Farm not possible.  In line with the Sweet Fringe Benefits philosophy, it is what it is.  Right here right now.  Just find the good in whatever small way you can.  Because can it get worse?  Yes.

Outfit of the Day:  I'm actually feeling extremely ill-equipped fashion wise.  We are visiting family up north, and it's FREEZING!  I realize my wardrobe is meant for southern winters.  I have a beautiful long winter coat, but it's not an everyday coat.  And it's heavy. It wouldn't work for in and out of stores.  It's a go-to-church or go-to-work coat. I love my down jacket.  It's plenty warm, but not real stylish.  It's functional.  I paired it with a scarf to try to jazz it up a little.  I met my friend for lunch today...she has a coat wardrobe to make anyone envious.  So, me on the the keep warm and try to be stylish look...without much success.  On the right, is my girlfriend, with her super cute plaid coat, black riding boots, jeans, and a grey turtleneck.  Stunning.  She said she found the coat on Talbot's clearance last year for $40.  Score.  If I lived up north, I'd have several of these.

The madness needs to stop. And it begins with me. And then you.  I will not shop on Thanksgiving Day or Night.  After Midnight...Black Friday begins.  I am drawing the line between my shopping obsession and family traditions...




  1. Thanks for the support Nanette! I love Leslie's coat!

    1. I hate Black Friday; have never gone out at midnight, never will. That means you will never find me in a store on Thanksgiving-I agree with you Nanette, it is madness. I hope this is the one and only year Elizabeth, and thanks for the shout out~I love that coat too!!
      (Hey N~I thought I was going to be anonymous on your blog! ;-)

    2. I'm with Leslie! It ain't happenin'!!


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