This is bigger...

I'm feeling 50 tonight.  Not because of any aches or pains.  Not because of hot flashes, dry skin or wrinkles.  Not because my boys don't live at home with me anymore.  No, this is bigger tonight...

The little Sister missionaries came for dinner tonight.  They are so young.  And they look to my husband and I like we are wise old sages.  Granted, my husband is the Bishop over our congregation.  But me?  A Bishop's wife?  Ya, that just means old...both in body and spirit.

The missionaries asked me to tag along on a visit with them to a young couple in our congregation.  The Sister's asked me to share with the young couple how my life has been affected by living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I always appreciate an opportunity to share my testimony and experience.  To see this young family and their desires to live a God-centered life brought back memories of when Doug and I were just starting out...with hopes and dreams for our future.  Being 50, I don't have a lot of grand plans anymore.  I'm living my plan.  My dream.  The writing is one the wall where my life is going.  I'm going to be a grandmother in just days.  Am I boring?  Some people might think so.  No matter what details my day might bring, I believe in God, my Father in Heaven, in His son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit.  I believe that my life has a purpose.  I lived with my Father in Heaven before coming to this earth.  And when I leave this frail existence, I will live with Him, and my family again.  I attend church weekly, and I serve in whatever capacity I am asked, because I believe that's what a disciple of Christ does.  And by doing so, I believe it has taught my children how to live a faith-centered life as well.

Today's Sweet Fringe Benefit is peace and contentment.  I know I've had days in this turning 50 process that have felt confusing and lost (and hot).  But when I look at what's important, my overall journey through this life, I'm actually grateful I'm halfway through it.  Because I know there's more.  Being 50, being asked for advice and perspective, is an honor.  I never want to come across arrogant...I want to be humble.  When I set out on this blogging journey, I stated some posts would be more spiritual in nature.  They are few and far between...but this is who I am.  This is me at my very core.  50 is just fine with me considering what it gives me tonight...Peace and Contentment.

Outfit of the Day:  Talbot's floral jacket, Converse cream ruffle shell, Mossimo faded skinny jeans, Relativity linen and leather wedge, Emaack Designs Hill Tribe Silver necklace.  Oh don't I just love the 90's in September.  I was raised in the northeast.  The day after labor day meant summer was over.  Not in the south.  But my office is cool, and it felt good to wear jeans.  All of these pieces are at least 2 years old. 

If you are interested in learning more about my core beliefs, just ask.  And if you want to do it without me knowing (nod nod wink wink), click here to visit



  1. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful testimony. I relate to so many things you write and I needed to be reminded especially now, of how precious life experiences are and that it is our age that gives us those and our testimony!❤️

  2. This is your best blog .


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