Control Freak

 Me: Knock Knock

You: Who's There

Me:   Control Freak

Me:  You say control freak who

One of my most favorite jokes ever.  Especially if you can get the comedic timing right--jumping in right before someone tries to say "control freak who".  Oh my. I still laugh.  I usually can't deliver it because I start laughing in the middle of it.

So, continuing on about the whole control thing that I referred to a bit in my last post.  If you want to see if you can handle NOT being in control, have your adult child living at home get a puppy.  

Is the control freak thing just a mom thing?  Or is this an aging thing?  If I didn't have kids, would I still have the same amount of control in my life at this age as I did in my 40s?  Or do we just get fatigued being control freaks and we are ready to surrender by our 50s.

In arriving at today's SFB, I'm going to share a few thoughts on how I've transitioned to this age and let go of control. (Ok, sort of.  Kind of.  Working on it.) The secret actually still have control.  But only of yourself.  How you respond.  What thoughts you listen to.  Do you even want control.  I am still working on this, but I am discovering that it is actually quite freeing not having answers to everything.  Not being in control of everything.  I'm not saying that I've stopped planning or stopped caring.  Its more I am much better at rolling with whatever comes.  Choosing love.  Choosing the relationship.  Choosing Progress is today's SFB.  You can see that at any age...but I think its super important to acknowledge it and see it for the sweet fringe benefit it is in our growing older. The crazy thing about the last couple of years in my aging experience, I have been way more open to growth and change.  I never would have been caught with any type of self-help book prior to the last couple years.  A thought model?  No thanks.  I'm fine.  I'm fine.  I'm fine.  Thank heavens for progress.

For my younger friends, gosh I wish I had some of these thought models when I was younger.  I wish I had been willing to see the opportunities for growth, instead of being forced in to it because life was changing so fast I felt emotionally out of control.  Sometime, I'll chat about the specific models I've tried.

Outfit of the day:  Ann Taylor Teddy Bear coat, Ann Taylor plaid blouse, Universal Thread Black Jeans.  I love a pretty coat in the winter.  I bought the entire outfit on the Ann Taylor Black Friday sale...coat, blouse, and a pretty velvet skirt.  I knew it'd be lovely for church in December, and then with jeans for days you change out of your Covid-leisure.

Thanks for reading!  Follow along on Instagram @sweetfringebenefits too!  



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