Taking the good...with the good!

That's my clean kitchen.  It happens every once in a while.  So anyways...

The last couple days I've been knee deep in my full-time job.  I'm an Accountant.  I majored in Finance in college.  I took the Accounting route more for the type of jobs I'd get than for interest.  I saw that Accounting would be better suited for part-time work and work-from-home than a corporate finance job.  A better Mom job.  Things pretty much went according to plan.  I was able to work part-time when my boys were young, supporting both my mental health and my shopping habit.

Fast forward 17 years.  It was time.  I was ready.  And the last thing I wanted to do was a monthly close process in corporate accounting.  Maybe sales, maybe recruiting.  Personal Stylist?  Interior Decorator? Almost 7 years later, I'm still here.  Still closing the books.  Every month.  Am I surprised?  Not really.

Today's SFB is learning to take the good with...the good!  I think that's what our age brings.  Even what we first thought was bad, is actually pretty good!  Just like those long, sleep-deprived nights with a newborn, its hard now not to see it as all good.  Sure, I run the same process every month.  The first 3 days of the month are predictable and at times, tedious.  But that's good!  I know the answers.  I know how to do it.  Other parts of my job are fulfilling: coaching, investigating, collaborating.  That's good too!  In accounting, numbers don't have an opinion.  Turns out I like that.  

Outfit of the Day:  Ann Taylor floral blouse, Anthropologie Pilcro Corduroys, Dolce Vita Boots, and round brush hair.  I love these pants.  Super stretchy, feel like leggings, look like jeans/corduroys.  I'm wearing a petite so they're a cropped length.  Great with boots.

Something that you're not thrilled about doing right now, could end up being good.  Take the good with...the good!



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