Aching knees...

I started a project today that I've been thinking about doing for a year now.  I'm kind of proud of myself. 

I'm going to throw out a couple possible reasons why I finally started this project.

1.  I accepted a part-time job and I start in 2 weeks.  My extra discretionary time is going to be limited in the future.

2.  My daughter was going on her sixth hour of searching the computer for a car.  (I'm not exaggerating).  We don't buy our children cars.  We have an "extra" car that we let our teenage drivers use.  Talk about wasted time.  She needed a project.

3.  I weeded for about 15 minutes outside and decided anything inside wasn't better than outside.

Until about 4:00 today, this was my Outfit of the Day: 

Work clothes.  Can you see the table in the background?  It's a square table.  Black legs and stained wood top.  It's hammered.  And not distressed-in-a-cool-way hammered.  I figure a fresh coat of paint will buy me a few more years with this table.  I promise I'll show a picture tomorrow of the finished project.  We sanded it to get the paint to grip, and painted two coats.  Tomorrow I will dry brush it with a little black.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

I spent a lot of time on my knees painting today.  Getting up.  Shifting.  Kneeling back down.  And, well, I hate to even mention the "nasty", but it's just not that easy crawling and painting and kneeling anymore.  I'd love to blame my 52 mile ride this morning, but I'm pretty sure it's my almost 50 year old body that's the culprit.  However, a 32 year old body would be challenged by toddlers and babies and craziness...enough so that a painting project would be done after bedtime, in to the wee hours of the morning.  My aching knees are my Sweet Fringe Benefit today.  No disruptions, no sticky hands trying to help.  I've got to see the good in all this...

Outfit of the Day:  I finally showered about 4 pm.  I threw on this Banana Republic Issa dress that I picked up on the clearance rack last winter.  Loft white cotton cardigan.  Tom's black/grey espadrilles.  Easy cool dressing. 

We spent the weekend in Charlotte attending a wedding of my son's good childhood friend. I love this "dress" that I found at Talbot's.  It's actually a skirt and top.  I threw a belt on to give it a peplum look...sort of out of necessity, as the top wasn't real fitted through the waist and hip.  I found the shoes at my favorite shoe store, Marti and Liz.  They are Calvin Klein tiffany blue suede strappy sandals.  Really...they were my favorite part of the outfit!  And the matching clutch?  Well, it's the only clutch I own.  I didn't really have a choice.

Excited to finish my table tomorrow!



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