I love...
For those ONLY following along on the blog, I'm sorry it's been a bit hit and miss here. Some days the posts come together so much quicker directly on Instagram. Join me if you can @sweetfringebenefits. A friend of mine followed the lead of one of HER friends posting about the little, simple things she loves. I definitely think that fits right in with my #sweetfringebenefits blog. When I went through a similar exercise last month looking at what actions I take that create happiness, it brought me even more happiness. I'm thinking, maybe this will help me feel even more love? I'll let you know! Cassey, dear friend, your post is my #sweetfringebenefit today. I love so many things, and these are the things I'm grateful for tonight: I love looking at my husband holding our grandbaby. I love watching watching him play house with our granddaughter. I love watching him treat our daughter as I would hope her future husband would treat her (he went and filled up her car wit...