An easy fix...

No more gray hair!
I know I'm not supposed to focus on the nasties of my age on this blog...but I'm going to (it's my blog, I can do what I want.) I've had gray hair for about 20 years...and I've been coloring my hair for about 15 years.  My mother had blonde hair. And then one day I noticed she had white hair.  She never had to color her hair.  Me?  Hard to remember what my "natural" color was...a dark brown I guess.  First I started getting highlights to try to disguise the gray.  Then that stopped working, and I had to color my roots in between highlights. When that stopped being effective, I went to an all over permanent color every month.  And that's where I'm at.  It's just a really nasty side effect of getting older.

But, there's a relatively easy, inexpensive fix for that nasty. And I'm calling it my Sweet Fringe Benefit today.  I have a great colorist.  I'm loving the color she is putting on my hair right now.  I visited her this morning...and I have no more gray hair!  (At least for about 2 weeks)  Wouldn't it be great if other "nasties" of my age was this cheap and easy?  Hot flashes cost a lot of money to make go away...some people use hormone creams, some go on Paxil, some have hormone pellets inserted in their behind.  No amount of money bring your babies home.  You get the picture.  So I'm not going to dwell on my nasty gray hair, but rather I'm going to be grateful for the Sweet Fringe Benefit of the easy fix called hair dye.

Outfit of the Day:  I struggled getting dressed this morning. I've spent 2 out of the last 3 weeks in warm spring/summer weather.  But that wasn't the weather here today.  So I decided to pull out my mint green jeans from Mossimo (Target) from 2 years ago, and pair it with a Black Converse shell, and a Loft charcoal gray cardigan.  I do love a colored jean, and that's a fun way to bring lighter colors in to your wardrobe, when it's still cool outside.

Remember, we have to find the Sweet Fringe Benefits wherever we can.  Right here right now.  Life changes so quickly...and that's a truth, not a cliche.  Sometimes we think we will be "better" or "happy" when ________________ happens...when children leaven the nest, when children sleep through the night, when I go back to work, when I retire, when my children move out, when my child gets back from college, when I lose 15 pounds, when my hot flashes end, when my hormones stabilize.  But we don't have time to wait. Time really is running out...



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