Free advice...

Ok.  First things first:  an update to yesterday's post.  I finished my Christmas card collage for my scrapbook.  That was my project I was working on yesterday that didn't get worked on.  Today I am continuing the Christmas 2013 scrapbook, and feel a bit better about my productivity. 

I have a very dear friend that I talk to almost every day, if not several times each day.  We solve our own problems as well as everyone else's problems.  If only everyone else would just listen to us...the world would be so much happier.  (Ok, so tongue in cheek...just wanted to make sure the sarcasm came through,)  She's older than me (only 10 months older),  so I guess she's a little wiser than me.  Honestly, we think we are full of wisdom and know the best way to live life.  It's a little frightening...we have sworn to warn each other if we are becoming our mothers...telling everyone around us our opinion, which is, of course, always wanted. 

Today, I was justified in one of those "share my opinion with someone I hardly know" moments.  

A gal I know from church recently announced she is pregnant with her first daughter after having two sons.  Her family spacing will be almost identical to mine.  As I talked with her about that tonight, she told me that several years ago, when her boys were toddlers (and I had barely met her), I had told her I understood exactly what she was going through.  I told her that I waited until both my boys were in school before having a third child.  She said she remembers that conversation, and here she is, now having her third child.  Isn't it good that I told her how to space her children?  She NEVER would have arrived to that on her own.  It's a good thing I know everything.  People really should listen to me (and my girlfriend) and how we think everything should be done. 

In all seriousness, it made me really happy that she remembered our conversation from probably 5 years ago, even though I didn't!  Why?  Maybe it's because I talk to so many people, telling them what I think, it's nice to know that someone actually listened.  I'm pretty confident that she didn't take my advice and purposely spaced her children like mine.  It just ended up that way...and it struck a chord with her and felt right...for her family.  So let me just make a disclaimer:  I'm going to give you my opinion: in my blog, in conversation, in a text, in a lesson at church, pretty much wherever I can.  And you don't have to don't have to agree...AND you can give me your advice.  I think we can learn from each matter your age.  There may be a few of you out there thinking that I didn't need this positive reinforcement...oh but I did.  In these days of nastiness, I'll take every reinforcement of a Sweet Fringe Benefit of my age that I can get.

Outfit of the Day:  Loft anorak jacket, Loft sunwashed t-shirt, New York & Co. Grey skinny jeans, Emaack Designs necklace, Banana Republic flats.  I've seen these canvas anorak jackets everywhere this spring!  I bought an olive green one for my daughter at JC Penny.  I found this peach colored jacket this week at Loft with their 40% off friends and family discount.  It's lined with a soft jersey, and it's a great early spring weight.  I think I'll be wearing it quite a bit the next couple of months.

Thanks for reading my sarcastic yet painfully honest post...



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