Another May birthday...

I just re-read my last post.  It really wasn't a good post to end with before taking 4 days off!  In case anyone has been wondering, I'm good.  I'm REAL good.  (You're supposed to say that with a southern red-neck accent).  I have recovered from my last day of school melancholy.

It's going to take me a couple of days to catch-up with all of the SFB's I've seen in my life the last week. 

Here's the first.

My oldest son's birthday was last week.  He turned 23.  Yes, he's already been married for a year.  Yes, they have a baby on the way.  And he's only 23.  (I get that question a lot).  And his life, and how it affects mine has been the subject of several blog posts.  And this is another one. 

Since my son's 19th birthday, I haven't been able to celebrate with him in person.  His 20th and 21st birthday was spent in Argentina.  His 22nd birthday was spent in North Dakota.  I do realize that he has a wife (a wonderful one), a new woman in his life since we celebrated his 1st, or 10th, or 16th birthday.  And she would have taken very good care of him for his birthday.  But I don't know how many birthdays he'll have that he is only 3 hours away.  Thursday afternoon, my husband, daughter and I all drove to Memphis.  We had cake and ice cream, classic Memphis bbq, and a sleepover!  We all slept in their 1 bedroom apartment.  Very fun.  He's covered a lot of ground during those years that his birthday was celebrated without me.  I'm so proud of the man he is. 

Today's Sweet Fringe Benefit (really last thursday's sfb) is having enough years pass along so my son can be a drivable distance away, even if it is just for the summer.  He will return to the large private university 1500 miles away at the end of the summer.  But for the right here, right now, he's only 3 hours away.  The missionary service is over, the North Dakota internship is over, and my boy lives in the same state as I do.  That wasn't the case when I was 46 years old.  So, I like being 49. 

Sweet Fringe Benefits are personal.  They are specific to my life.  I know today's is pretty specific to my situation...but that's how you do it.  That's how I can find the good, the sweet, the benefits of getting older. 

I have really been slacking on my selfies.  But to be honest, the last two days I spent in a bathing suit so that's a selfie that's never going to be taken.  The outfit to the right is from Sunday.  It was inspired by an outfit I saw on the Ann Taylor website.  All white on white...but none of it bought together.   Liz Claiborne white blazer (JCPenny), Loft white shell, Ann Taylor eyelet pencil skirt, Loft tan/metallic leather woven belt. 

Thanks for coming back to the blog...sorry about the hiatus.  Summer is going to be a bit difficult in posting regularly, but I will do my best...



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