It's a Start...

I turned 49 this summer.  I'm not sure I'm panicked about the upcoming year.  I'm not sure how I feel.  My attempt at blogging is to recognize the Sweet Fringe Benefits that come with this age, and not so much the challenging, distracting, consuming at times nasty side effects.  Shoot, I already focused on the negative.  

Today, the sweet fringe benefits (sfb) of my age was waking my daughter up for school, and going back to bed for 30 minutes! Couldn't do that even a couple years ago.  Definitely couldn't have done that when I was 29!  You gotta love only having one child left at home, that is pretty independent.  

I also hope to chronicle things that make me feel better today and future todays.  Some will be shallow and some will be deeper more spiritual.  I love exercise when it's over (ok I do have moments when I enjoy doing it), I enjoy being dressed and ready for the day, and overall both are healthier for my psychy than the opposite.  I can procrastinate when I'm not busy, and I don't have a bucket list.  I'm just living. And trying to be happy and better each day.  I am also committed to being "real".  I promise I will post even on the days I procrastinated EVERYTHING, watched TV, and just felt like a blob. Because I think that is part of this aging thing. 

Starting the blog is a new brainchild for me.  I started thinking:  all these young, hip, gals are all over the blogosphere.  But I haven't seen many my age.  I hope it doesn't sound self-absorbed or self-indulgent. Primarily, this blog is for me.  But I think others may like my honesty in attitude, desire to get a little better, and my style.  A friend and I have been texting selfies of our outfits for a while now.  I love getting ideas from I thought, maybe you'd like some of mine.  

I have a few simple beliefs when it come to style/fashion at age 49.  Most current trends can be accomodated to be worn at this age.  It's ok to go up a size.  And it's ok if you've gained weight, don't torture yourself struggling to get in to those smaller sizes, go buy a bigger size!  

I felt pretty good in this outfit.  Black polka-dot jeans (Joe Fresh, JCPenny) Short sleeve Fuscia Blouse (Loft), Black Strappy Sandals (Cole Haan), Multi-Strand Natural Stone Necklace (Emaackdesigns)  The jeans have a ton of stretch.  Very forgiving.  Blouse was tucked in just at the front and draped nicely over the jeans.  Only the jeans are new.  The other pieces I've had in my closet.

And by the way, most of the pictures will be selfies, pointing downward, because I take them myself, and because it's extremely slimming.  Makes me feel good.  And hey, isn't this what the blog is about?  Feeling good about 49.  About seeing the good in my age, and feeling it.

Heading out for a walk...



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