"Mom, I forgot my ..."

A friend of mine was late meeting me today because her son, a senior in high school, had texted her and asked her to bring something by the school.  Oh my heavens.  I remember just a short time ago, when I was running to that school several times a week to rescue my son from some certain impending horrific consequence if I didn't bring whatever he had forgotten because of his own lack of planning.  Yes, I still have one darling daughter left at home, that will for sure be forgetful or disorganized.  But I'm going shout out for joy that that 2-3 times a week trip to the high school is over.

I've gotten older, and so have my children.  And with that, watching them recover on their own from their lack of organization...without Momma's assistance is a very Sweet Fringe Benefit (sfb) of my age.  I'm not running to the high school with a red jersey because he didn't listen to the coach close enough and brought his black jersey.  I'm not hiding a lunch wrapped in a towel stuffed in an athletic bag because he forgot it in the refridgerator this morning. (Our high school won't allow food deliveries...even homemade lunches.)  I'm not late meeting friends because I just have to swing by the school for the third time this week.

I know that these sfb's can be turned and looked at like a negative.  I guess many things in life can be twisted and seen as a positive or a negative.  I'm 49.  Two children gone, one at home.  There's no changing that.  I don't want to spend the rest of my life fretting that my kids are gone.  And that's what this blog is about.  Finding the good, the positive, the Sweet Fringe Benefits in my stage of life and heading only deeper in to.

Maybe you haven't hit this stage yet.  Good for you.  You may be like I was and just couldn't even see past sitting at 4 football games a week, driving to dance lessons, "Mom I need X by tomorrow morning", laundry every night to clean practice clothes....you get it.  But I'm telling you, it ended before I was ready.  And it was in a heartbeat.  So my word of advice, like many told me, love every minute of it.  Just breathe, sit in the stands, eat dinner at the ballpark, and love on those kids.

And get dressed and ready for the day EVERYDAY!  You will feel so much better about yourself.

JCREW hot pink matchstick jeans (Should a 49 year old be wearing these?  I don't really care.  I like them.), LOFT black and white knit top, Banana Republic Statement Necklace, Sofft Black Patent Flat Sandals.


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