A celebration of faith...

Just a quick post before I head to bed...it's been a busy day and evening!

My missionary son began his service exactly one year ago today.  I'm not sad.  I'm not really even missing him.  I'm celebrating the man he is becoming.  It's been a great day.

Three of my friends and their families came for dinner tonight.  They also have sons serving missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I asked them to bring one of their son's favorite foods for dinner or dessert.  We had quite a feast. 

I brought watermelon and lemon italian ice.  It was a frequent treat for Harrison. 

The food was yummy...hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken sausage, caprese platter, pasta salad, watermelon arugula and feta salad, fruit salad and chips.  Our boys would have loved it.

I am not boo-hooing tonight.  I'm not even wishing away the next year of his missionary service.  Today's sweet fringe benefit is this truly sweet, genuine happiness that I'm feeling about my son being gone tonight.  Having other missionary moms for dinner, and hearing about their son's experiences, could have been therapeutic if I was in a bad spot.  Instead, it was a celebration.  A celebration of faith...in both our God and our sons. 

Outfit of the Day:  Tommy Hilfiger white/red sweater, Loft navy/white striped skirt, JCrew Factory statement necklace.  I love this sweater.  I haven't bought anything from Tommy Hillfinger in probably 15 years.  It was in the window on display at the Tommy Hilfiger Outlet when I was in Utah last month.  Both my sister and I bought one.  The weather has dried out and cooled off...just for a couple of days.  The sweater was perfect for our evening out on the patio.  Is the mix of patterns too much for you?  You know me...more is better.  I like it.

Happy 4th of July!



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