A light at the end of the tunnel...

I need to go to bed.  I've been in high gear for a little too long.  And it's starting to effect me...

I drove to Memphis yesterday afternoon, had dinner with my son and his wife, and drove back early this morning.  I wanted to get back early so I could get a good long ride in.  I had a lot on my mind, so much to do.  But I couldn't wait to get on my bike.  There's just so much freedom and joy the instant I leave my driveway.

I had ridden 14 miles, and for some reason, I reached up to scratch my head...and I could scratch my head...without moving my helmet...oh my gosh...I don't have a helmet on.  Yup, I forgot to put my helmet on.  I made the "Call of Shame" (want to read that post?  Click here) to a girlfriend and riding buddy...and she drove out to deliver her helmet to keep me safe on the rest of the ride.

Thankfully, the rest of the ride was uneventful.

This afternoon, it took me three times to get a check written correctly for cheerleading.  The first time, I wrote the check for $1700 instead of $850.  The next time, I wrote it to the wrong person.  The third time was the charm.  Seriously.  I need to go to bed.  And I need to slow down.

I'm really hoping the events of today are more a result of system overload, and not of being 50 years old.  That would be way too painful.

Today's Sweet Fringe Benefit (other than the obvious...I didn't fall when I didn't have a helmet on, AND a great friend to bring me a helmet to keep me safe) is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Throughout my life I have overcommitted myself from time to time, and its just the way it works out sometimes.  I know that there are times that I have to live in high gear.  And I function pretty well in high gear...until I run out of gas.  And I think I just did.  Thank heavens school has begun, and a new routine has begun.  Being 50 means it's not my first rodeo.  And I'm glad I'm cutting myself some slack tonight.  Time to slow down for a bit.

Today's Outfit of the Day:  JCP navy/gray colorblocking cardigan, Talbot's white dotted swiss blouse, JCP teal skinny jeans, Relativity canvas wedges, Etsy Tennessee "Home" necklace.  My daughter gave me this necklace for my birthday. I think it's really sweet.

Yesterday's Outfit of the Day:  JCrew Factory yellow cardigan, JCrew sequined t-shirt, Denizen (Target) skinny jeans, Born lime green wedges.  Kind of bright, I know.  But I liked it.

And thanks for being patient with me...I haven't been real consistent lately.  Life happens...



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