
I worship alongside 20-somethings.  My husband and I have been asked to mentor/lead a congregation of "Young Adults" 18-30 years old. 

Much of the time, I post about how much more enlightened I am now that I'm 56 years old.  How much I have changed.  How much I have grown. Today, I needed to be reminded how complicated I have made things. How far off the mark I have come.  How very much I am being mentored/lead by these 20-somethings.  

The message they shared today was so simple.  God knows us.  Cares about us.  Loves us.  He will be by our side if we ask, and can shoulder our burdens.  Because He loves us. 

Most often this is a light-hearted account.  But I couldn't let today pass without acknowledging my lack of humility.  There's so much to learn from younger folk.  I know I teased about the hot flashes coming their way.  And then there's that side-part/skinny jean issue that has seemed to pit the youngins against the not-youngins.  But lets keep an open heart and open mind.  Not about their fashion and hairstyles, but their approach.  Their faith.  Their charitable nature. I am learning from them. They are my sweet fringe benefit today. 

And jumping in to the light-hearted.  Did you see my reel (video) on Instagram?  I thought it might be fun to do these once in a while: one consistent clothing item worn several different ways.  

Outfit of the Day:  H&M Dress, black belt, Ann Taylor suede sandals.  The dress came with a self-tie.  I thought the black belt dressed it up a bit.  Another day I'll show you the same dress in a more casual look. Maddy took this picture before she left on her trip.  We had another day just like it today.  So beautiful and sunny.  

Wishing you all a great start to the week!



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