
I'm really relating to the weather lately.

As you may have heard, we had horrible storms last week.  From tornado warnings, to severe thunderstorms, to flooding, its been a week!  And then we've had 3 absolutely beautiful, spectacular spring days in between.  

Yesterday was a thunderstorm for me.  And then today?  A beautiful sunny day.  A dear friend who is going through a rough spot said to me the other morning, the day after the flooding storms, 

"Today is a good reminder that the sun always comes back out after a storm."

And that's my sweet fringe benefit today.  There are storms.  But there are sunny days.  Thank heavens.  And if you are in the middle of a storm, with no sunshine in the forecast, I'm sending my love to you. You are not alone.

Shifting tone...

I picked up this dress at Zara last week.  Nashville finally has a Zara!  I have always been a fan of toile.  It's been a part of my home decor for 25 years.  And now I have a toile dress!  Is that weird?  I hope not.  Because I love it.  The dress link is on my blog.  Or you could google Zara floral shirtdress and it should come up. This will probably be my Easter Dress.  I just LOVE it. 

Do you think anyone will put jelly beans in my shoes or the pockets of my dress?  My mom was sneaky like that.  Honestly, I'd rather have Cadbury Eggs.  



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