
I am not someone to complain about cold weather.  I complain in the summer about the heat!  I usually love winter.  But this afternoon as I was running in and out of the car with a friend, I decided I'm officially over the cold.  I wasn't dressed heavy coat, and little sort of my own fault, but...I want sunshine and 60 degrees.

I didn't feel that way this morning when I hiked a 4.5 mile loop at a local park with my husband.  It was 18 degrees and a light snow-drizzle was falling.  I loved looking at the moss that had a light dusting of snow on it, and the icecicles that had formed around the falling spring.  I was dressed appropriately...two or three layers thick.  And worked up a good sweat underneath it all.  

Today's Sweet Fringe Benefit of being 49 years old is being able to take a morning hike in the middle of the week with my husband.  He wasn't working today.  Gosh, would I have loved for him to have some time off like this when my children were little!  But it wouldn't have been the same...he probably would have just been the babysitter instead of us spending the morning together.  Enough of the coulda-shoulda-woulda, I'm appreciating the right here right now.  

"Just let go.  Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness."  -Caroline Myss

Outfit of the Day:  Stupid not to wear a coat.  Should've gone with a blouse/sweater and then a coat rather than the blazer.  LOFT teal velvet blazer, LOFT teal peasant blouse, Joe Fresh black polka dot jeans, green black printed from a friend for Christmas.

I'm going to embrace this quote above.  Yes, it'd cold outside, but I can layer up and be comfortable. Yes, some days, years, stages are different than I thought they'd be.  I can embrace what it is and stop the coulda-shoulda-woulda.  I'm done with that....(well, at least for today)...



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