Did you really say Fairies?

Well, I'm frustrated.  And it's after 6:00 pm and I'm just beginning my blog post.  That's late.  I've been procrastinating it for several hours...because I haven't seen any sfb's yet today.  Guess it's time to bang it out on the keyboard and see if I can find one.

I have a 10 foot lighted Christmas Tree.  It's in three pieces, fairly easy to set up...much easier than the one we used to have that had to be built branch by branch and THEN add the lights.  Doug helped me set it up, and last night we made sure the lights worked.  There were two lower branches that the lights weren't working.  We fixed that...we turned the tree so the unlit branches were in the back.  Today I "fluffed" the branches (a must do for artificial greenery).  I then proceeded to decorate the tree with all my ornaments, which are NOT a few.  My shoulder has been screaming at me all afternoon because of the repetitive movement hanging, hanging, hanging.  Ouch.  All that's left is the topper and garland. I'm rethinking what I've used for about the last 8 years, so I'm holding on the topper.  Long story...anyway, I'm not turning on the Christmas lights on my garland and trees yet.  We haven't had Thanksgiving.  I'm just trying to get a jump on the decorating while I have time.  Sooooooo, as it got dark this afternoon, I thought I'd just turn the lights on the main tree just to see how it looks.

O-M-G.  No way.  I have about 10 branches that won't light!!!!!!!  I've tried shaking, jiggling, twisting and poking to try to get them to pop on.  I've rechecked wires and plugs.  No luck.  There are hundreds of ornaments on my tree...I'm not taking it down.  But I'm not happy with the  dark stripe in the middle of my tree either. I've been paralyzed with discouragement the last of couple hours.  I don't like any of my decorations.  I hate my Santas.  My bookcase is too busy.  I'm not putting my snowmen out this year.  They're stupid.  Sigh.

I just remembered something that I learned way back when I lived in Massachusetts.  Have you ever heard of the Homemaking Fairies?  They're the fairies that come overnight while you are getting a good nights sleep, and make what you have slaved over all day and night in to something you love! A good night's sleep and time away from my tree, santas, snowmen and decorations.  The fairies will come tonight, yes, the fairies are my Sweet Fringe Benefits today.  And if I don't like what they do, perhaps they will whisper to me some fresh ideas overnight so I can start anew in the morning.  

Outfit of the Day:  Loft coral cardigan, Loft animal print shell, The Limited 917 skinny Jeans, Tom's Desert Wedges, Banana Republic statement necklace.

I did set up my nativity in the dining room.  I'll probably like it better tomorrow...after the fairies spread their magical homemaking dust.  I'm trusting that...



  1. Well I don't think you need the fairies to come because your decorating (and everything you do) is always amazing!

    1. Well it's always a process Elisha! Sometimes so frustrating!

  2. Snowmen aren't stupid...they just have brain freeze......ha

    1. You are right Matthew! Those poor snowmen...eternal brain freeze.


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