What's an SFB?

Sweet Fringe Benefits.  What are they?  Well, first of all, they're personal.  They come from many different angles...sometimes very tender, sometimes a little silly, and other times far reaching trying to find something good about being 49 years old.  SFB's can resemble a gratitude journal, a thankimony, or a shout-out.  I've found SFB's that are specific to 49 year olds or appropriately universal.  I never want to appear arrogant, self-absorbed, or above-the-fray.  There are days when I've had to twist and wrangle an sfb out of a day filled with "nasty" side effects of this lovely age.  And then there are days like today, that I literally haven't had a second to sit down and begin the blog post until 9:45 pm. A Sweet Fringe Benefit is the positive side to my life...something that I haven't been real good at acknowledging in the past.  I'm trying to do better.

Today's sfb is not remembering how old I am...as in, "yes I'm 49, but why does that matter?"    I was consumed with setting up the Emaack Designs Trunk Show for tonight and tomorrow.  I spent at least 6 hours today with friends in my home...old friends and new friends...talking, laughing, shopping, fashion consulting, and remembering.  I didn't feel old...I didn't feel young...I just felt...felt loved, felt accepted, felt blessed.  I'd say that's a pretty good day.  

Why do I post a selfie everyday?  (Click here for first blog post)  A couple reasons.  I find that getting showered and dressed for each day improves my outlook and self-esteem. The pressure to post a picture pushes me to clean up, change out of my workout clothes, and continue the day.  I also enjoy fashion, and have been asked for style advice a lot over the years.  Figured there'd be folks out there that would like some of my ideas.  And why a selfie?  Well, I'm not doing a professional photo shoot everyday like you see on some fashion bloggers sites.  This is real.  I take the pictures myself, and carry on with my day.  And yes, I purposefully shoot downwards so I don't mind pictures of me on the internet day after day.  See...honesty.  You'll get that here.

Okay this picture is so distorted.  It looks like I'm a size 0! NOT!  I wear a size 10/12.  Just needed to confess that.

Outfit of the Day:  Loft navy herringbone knit blazer, J Crew Factory V-neck tshirt, black camisole, Joe Fresh (JC Penny) plaid corduroys, cheetah belt.  I picked out a pretty tiger eye necklace from the Trunk Show to "model"; it might be mine soon!  I really like how the brown in the necklace stands out compared to the navy and black in the outfit.

Looking forward to more friends stopping by tomorrow!



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