How old are you?

Every day I have some interaction with friends.  Old friends, new friends, oldER friends, younger friends, friends from high school, friends from where I used to live, friends I talk to multiple times a day, friends on social media, friends I only see twice a year, friends with empty nests, friends with one year old twins, friends with get the picture.  

When I was much younger, I didn't look at older women as friends.  I saw them as mentors, as someone to look up to, but not as a friend.  If you weren't in my age or in my same stage of life, then I didn't look at you in that "girlfriend" kind of way. What a shame.  How much I missed out on! 

This summer I had a 80th birthday party for a "girlfriend".  She anxiously celebrated every step of my son's engagement and wedding this past year.  She has listened to my worried mother's heart over my second son.  We've even been shopping together and to lunch! We've had different life experiences and differing opinions.  But I've learned so much from her!  

This is just one of my "younger" girlfriends.  She is 15 years younger than me!  (ouch)  But I love her style, her love of motherhood, her craftiness, and her desire to be the best she can be. She has listened to my heavy heart many times, and I have done the same for her.  There isn't an age boundary...and I'm so grateful that she was more open to an "older girlfriend" than I ever was at her age.

I'm sure there will be many days that the sfb involves friendship. But for today specifically, having friends OLDER and YOUNGER than I am is a Sweet Fringe Benefit of being 49. My younger friends keep me up on the latest apps, craft gadgets, websites and style trends.  My older friends have already been through many of the things I'm going's that perspective that I'm trying to have, and don't look at me judgementally.  I have many true friends.  I am truly blessed.

Just a simple flowy blouse from LOFT that has beautiful fall colors, Target Mossimo Fit 4 Skinny Jeans, and my Vince Camuto Shooties.  I've cuffed the jeans today in a narrow, casual un-uniformed way.  Statement necklace from Nordstrom Brass Plum from a year ago.  I thought the blouse was a little dark, so I went with a brighter necklace.  

We can not only learn from all ages, but our lives can be enriched as well...



  1. This is such a beautiful post & I love that I'm in it! Truly it is such a blessing to have friends in different stages of life...less competition about where you are in life, less comparing yourself (and your kids)...just laughs and inspiration. Remember when I found out I was having a boy after Hailey and called you crying? I didn't think I could be a boy mom. I've thought about that conversation so many times and was so grateful for the advice and that you didn't judge me. I thought about that all again the other night as I watched my son slide into third base and I was screaming my lungs out and thinking that here was no where else I would rather be in that moment. So grateful for the wisdom of friends who have already been through the stage that I'm truly grateful for you!

    1. Thank you for your comment Elisha! You are right...having friends a different age eliminates the entire concept of "keeping up with the jones's! I hadn't thought of that.


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