Thankful for the ride...
I taught an early morning bible study class today to 6 teenage girls. I am substituting for their regular teacher who is out of town. I taught this class for 2 years when my boys were in high school. Honestly, it's sort of like forget about how painful it is until you have to set your alarm for 5 am before you go to bed. I have to admit, I was pretty foul about it last night. "This is too much to ask." "I've already done this and I don't want to do it again." "I am definitely going back to bed after they leave." Funny thing though, as soon as those girls arrived, I was the one who felt blessed to be their teacher. I was humbled by their presence at 6 am, before school, all to begin their day with learning about God.
Thank you to all who have been so complimentary on my outfit of the day (OOTD?...just doesn't sound as cool as Crossfit's WOD). Again, I don't think I'm the most hip or stylish. It's just MY style. I feel better about myself when I am dressed for the day. Yes, I could've met my friend in my workout clothes. I only had 20 minutes to get ready after my ride. But a quick shower, a little make up, and an simple outfit does wonders for my self esteem. I definitely look and feel better in my clothes than I do in my sweaty workout clothes. So why do I see so many people still in them at 4 pm? No judgements. I'm guilty of it...just a lot less often now!
Just a little mention of the t-shirt with the neck embellishment. You see a lot of these out there. I don't know what the official rule is about these...but in my book, the embellishment is the necklace. No need for another one. So I loaded up on bracelets by Emaack Designs. I've love combining different bracelets to give a less uniform, more casual feel. I put three together here, a black onyx/silver, freshwater pearl/pyrite, and labradorite/silver.
It actually annoys me that I was so negative about teaching when I went to bed last night. I didn't see the Sweet Fringe Benefit in it. But my goodness, is there one! I never want to come across as someone that has all the perspective and wisdom of a wise old sage. This is a process. And I think part of that process is acknowledging that you have further to go. Perspective is a train I ride, that sometimes I can see the beautiful vistas and valleys, and other times I'm just in the trees and tunnels with an obstructed view. These beautiful young women humbled me today. Helped me see that my age does carry responsibility to respect, teach and mentor our younger generation. And to do so, most importantly, without arrogance and without presumption of superiority. So for today, because I am 49, and my daughter is part of this early morning seminary class, and I don't have any younger ones to get off to school, I was the suitable choice as a substitute. And that's one special Sweet Fringe Benefit (sfb).
I have this quote sitting in my kitchen. It's one of my favorites.
"Life is just like an old time rail journey: delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed ONLY OCCASIONALLY by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride." --Gordon B. Hinckley

Banana Republic black and red Camden fit pants. Loft Grey knit T-shirt with crew neck embellishments. JCP Navy Blazer. Vince Camuto Black Shooties. Emaack Designs Stone and Silver Bracelets.

Also, I threw on a navy blazer. The pants are black and red, but overall come off maroon. I like the neutrals of the navy and grey together. Click here for my earlier post about Navy Blazers.
A work in process...still at 49...and hopefully will be at 89...there's always something to improve on.
A work in process...still at 49...and hopefully will be at 89...there's always something to improve on.
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