"Well, let's just try it..."

I'm kind of looking forward to being 89.  Not 50...just 89.

Let me explain.  This is a picture of my Mom, at Michaels, the craft store.  The CRAFT STORE. And she's buying candy.  

This is a picture of one of the grocery bags my Mom brought home from the store yesterday.  The grocery store.  Conversation hearts, granola bark, Butterfinger cups (who knew they made those), Butterfinger (in case the new cups weren't a good choice), Sugar Free Toffee Squares (the sugar free thing was an oversight), and a Valentine chocolate bar.  Isn't this what you buy at the GROCERY store?

A little more explanation and history.  I think I went on my first "diet" when I was 12 years old.  It was the "Scarsdale Diet", I think an early form of "Atkins."  You know, the diet where bacon, steak and eggs are all unlimited but no bagels, rice or potatoes.  My battle with weight has continued all my life. My mom's battle has purely been cosmetic...trying to take off a few pounds here and there.  My Dad, on the other hand, has had a real battle, at times being 40 pounds overweight.  And, unfortunately, I take after my Dad's side, that is riddled with heart disease, hyper-tension and diabetes.  

My parents are quite small now.  They just don't eat that much anymore.  My mother ate a chicken wing for dinner, with a small piece of bread and a small salad.  My Dad didn't eat much more than that. What they do eat is what they've eaten all their lives...comfort-giving home cooking.  Meat, potatoes, gravy, you've got the picture.  And a nibble of whatever my mother has found that day in the candy aisle.  

At age 49, it's not too late for me to change my health legacy given to me by the "White" (maiden name) side of the family.  Unfortunately, I have my mother's candy addiction, and my father's body makeup.  I have consistently done some type of workout for almost 30 years now.  It's a part of my life. It's who I am.  And I make an on-and-off again effort to eat healthily.  We cook most of our food at home from scratch.  I'm going to continue to try to be "on" more often than "off" with my healthy eating.  But let me tell you, when I'm 89, I'm eating candy.  Lots of it.  

So today's Sweet Fringe Benefit is smiling at my Mom at Michael's, or TJ Maxx, or Joann Fabrics, or Target, wherever she happens to find a candy aisle.  I wish I had her discipline to not eat everything I bought.  She just likes to try things out.  Amazing there are that many things she's never "tried."

Outfit of the Day:  Bisou Bisou (JC Penny Brand) Black/Gold fillagree patterned jeans, Bisou Bisou Gold bronze blouse, LOFT corduroy jacket, Black/Gold Statement necklace, Red snakeskin pumps.  I bought this corduroy jacket at least 5 years ago.  It's been close to the goodwill pile several times.  I'm so glad I still have it.  The Bisou items are from a year ago.  

Btw, slept great last night.  I don't know what your opinions are on Tylenol PM, but for me, the need for a good night's sleep outweighs the extra antihistimine in my system...and everyone in my house appreciates it as well...



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